

We believe sport is a human right, and everyone should have access to participate in it. This includes street children. Sports have been proven to be the best way to teach these children social skills, along with improving their physical health.
Life skills inculcated through sports can play a vital role in vulnerable situations by making up for the lack of confidence, focus, and support in the lives of these children. Numerous positive developmental indicators have been associated with sport participation, including improved self-esteem, emotional regulation, problem-solving, goal attainment, social skills, and academic performance.
With our social responsibility programs, we create space for the children to use their vigour and passion in sports rather than getting involved in unhealthy practices. Through sports, these vulnerable kids will develop skills like communication, problem-solving, and self-discipline, that allow them to work together in teams and build sports ethics.


We believe sport is a human right, and everyone should have access to participate in it. This includes street children. Sports have been proven to be the best way to teach these children social skills, along with improving their physical health.
Life skills inculcated through sports can play a vital role in vulnerable situations by making up for the lack of confidence, focus, and support in the lives of these children. Numerous positive developmental indicators have been associated with sport participation, including improved self-esteem, emotional regulation, problem-solving, goal attainment, social skills, and academic performance.
With our social responsibility programs, we create space for the children to use their vigour and passion in sports rather than getting involved in unhealthy practices. Through sports, these vulnerable kids will develop skills like communication, problem-solving, and self-discipline, that allow them to work together in teams and build sports ethics.


Our Work